Welcome to Blessed Trinity’s Athletics Program!
Our Athletic program aims to enhance the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual development of student athletes through sports that promote respect for self and others.
Blessed Trinity offers a well-planned and directed athletic program for students in Grades 5 – 8. The athletic and extracurricular programs of Blessed Trinity Catholic School should be a venue for teaching Gospel values and making them come alive in the student’s life. School teams create school spirit and students are encouraged to play and/or support the teams. We offer basketball, volleyball, and flag football. Our teams compete against other private and public schools in the area.
Athletic Department Mission Statement.
To provide a program that emphasized Catholic principles and good sportsmanship, and encourages student athletes to do their best in the classroom, in the community and on the playing field.
Athletic Participation
Any student participating in a sports activity is expected to:
Exhibit Christ-like character at all times...be a good winner and accept losses with humility.
Demonstrate good sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is a demonstration of generosity and genuine concern for others. It is a sincere understanding and commitment to fair play, ethical behavior, and integrity.
Maintain a 2.0/grade C average at all times.
Do their personal best in academics and behavior.
Give fully of himself / herself during the practice and games.
Be accepting of his/her mistakes.
Strive to win without placing undue pressure on self or teammates.
Recognize and respect strengths and weaknesses of teammates.
Accept the guidance of coaches.
Respect the decisions of officials and umpires.
Refrain from offensive language and actions.
Parents should understand that they are ambassadors for the school and also display good sportsmanship at all times. Additionally parents should be encouraged to:
Set a good example by displaying good sportsmanship;
Teach their child to play by the rules;
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from youth sports;
4.Demand a sports environment that is free of drugs, tobacco and alcohol.
Athletic Participation Policy
All qualified students may try out for membership on sports teams and in extracurricular activities. The school is committed to providing everyone a fair chance to participate. Unfortunately, not everyone who tries out can be accepted. The decision of the coach, in conjunction with the athletic director is final. Parents are encouraged to help their children understand that not everyone will be selected. Students may not participate on two different athletic teams simultaneously.
Concussions and Heat-Related Illnesses
Any student who wishes to play on a Blessed Trinity Catholic School athletic team must read, sign and turn in the “Consent and Release form Liability Certificate for Concussion and Heat-Related Illness” his/her coach or the Athletic Director.
Eligibility for Activities/Athletics (Grade 5-8)
Eligibility is determined by students who exhibit appropriate Christ-like character traits.
Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average to be eligible to try-out for all athletic teams. At the time of try-outs, a list of all students who trying out, but are ineligible due to a low grade point average, will be generated by the athletic director. If a child makes the team, he or she must meet eligibility criteria on the next report card to participate with the team.
Students receiving two or more D’s or one or more F’s or have a cumulative average of below a 2.0 are not eligible to participate in the athletic program. Weekly grade reports will be run by school personnel to determine re-eligibility.
Any student receiving negative conduct / behavior comments on his/her report card will be ineligible until the assigning teacher states otherwise.
If a student receives a Level 3 infraction from the discipline code, the student may be ineligible the following week. Each day of suspension equals one week of ineligibility.
Students who lose their eligibility twice during a single season will be removed from their respective team for the remainder of the season.
If a player on a sports team or a participant on a special activity is disrespectful to a coach or advisor or supervisor or does something to tarnish Blessed Trinity Catholic School’s excellent reputation, the student will be referred to the Athletic Director and/or Administration. Such action may result in removal from the team or activity.
If a student chooses to quit a team with no legitimate reason, then he/she needs to meet with the athletic director to determine future eligibility.
If a student/athlete/cheerleader is absent on school day, that student will not be allowed to participate in any after school activities that day, i.e. school dances, athletic events/games, or other activities.