Our Mission.
Blessed Trinity Catholic School is a faith community that creates the foundation for present and future generations to grow God’s kingdom.
We are called to form a community so that the children entrusted to our care come to KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE the Lord (and others).
Our History.
BT humbled 1927 beginnings have been transformed through the years into the thriving and growing Catholic school that is today.
Our Faculty & Staff.
We have a team of caring and certified teachers that put our students’ growth first and are backed by our supportive staff.
Code of Ethics.
Catholic educators are held to the highest standards. Our Code of Ethics is based on the Catholic faith and diocesan policies and procedures.
School Board.
The Blessed Trinity School Board functions as an advisory board to the pastor and principal. This Board functions according to the Diocese of Orlando’s Elementary School Advisory Board Manual. The Board meets monthly except June and July.